Tips and Guidelines for Responsible Disposal of Furniture

Tips and Guidelines for Responsible Disposal of Furniture

One of the more problematic civic issues in metropolitan urban areas in Canada related to waste disposal is the illegal dumping of furniture. It’s always been a symptom of excessive urban densification, and there’s no one who find discarded furniture and other personal belonging ditched at the side of the road.

Here at Dumpster Rentals by Load-N-Lift Disposal, we’ve worked hard to be a leading southern Ontario waste disposal company, and a part of our service for customers is encouraging them to dispose of their household waste responsibly and then providing tips on how to do so.

Unlawfully disposed waste has to be collected by the city, and increasing budgets for that service can mean property tax increases. That’s going to displease homeowners, and in the bigger picture there’s nothing at all beneficial about discarding furniture like that. It may be much more convenient for you than taking it to the local dump.

Reasons to not dump furniture and have used furniture disposal in Ontario include:

  1. Costs: Landfill maintenance costs are paid by the taxpayer as well, and it’s very irresponsible to be transferring those increase disposal fee costs to individuals who are already disposing of their waste responsibly.
  2. Used ownership:It’s especially easy to offer furniture for free on public market websites like Craigslist and Kijiji, and you’d be surprised how quickly you might have even the most dilapidated or ugly furniture snapped up by someone who’s got use for it.
  3. Environmental benefits: We all stand to benefit from reducing the millions of tons of furniture waste that is sent to landfills and threatens the environment via emissions and contamination of land spaces. Sustainability is all of our responsibility.
  4. Donations: Donating furniture and other large unwanted items to non-profit organization like schools, charities, and so forth is good for the community and you may even be able to receive a tax credit for making a donation to charity.

Another donation choice that many people won’t think of when disposing of furniture is to give it to a local theatre group. They’re often looking for props and the like, and you’re old mid-century style chair may be just what they’re looking for, even if it is a little worse for wear.

Make sure the furniture you’re intending to donate does not have rips, tears, stains, odors, pet hair, burns, wobbly bits, splinters, graffiti, or the like. However, some non-profits have refurbishing available for some well-loved pieces of furniture. Just be sure to ask before dropping off an unusable piece of furniture.

Mattresses are particularly a nuisance for both city workers that pick up dumped furniture and the waste management stations that have to process them. Look into whether the retailer who sold you the mattress originally will take the used mattress, many of them do. If the mattress is in good condition, offer it to the Salvation Army of a women’s shelter, for example. Lastly, if neither option is available you can call a disposal company for old mattress disposal in Ontario.

Another popular choice for woodworkers or home handymen is to tear apart furniture and repurpose much of the often high-quality wood used to make it all those many years earlier. There was a man in Northern Ontario who made a very nice, solid dog house out of the oak wood planks from old sofa sets he claimed. Once the frames had been disassembled, disposing of the upholstery and springs etc. was quite easy as the piece was no longer bulky and difficult to take to the dump.

As It relates to businesses, most companies benefit from an approach that uses a combination of resale, recycling and donation tactics. The process can be complicated but following a detailed plan can help your business cut landfill costs, protect the environment and support your local community.

Lastly, there’s the option of repurposing furniture rather than putting it aside for waste disposal pickup. An old end table might be a nice stand for your son or daughter’s aquarium in the basement, for example, or an old dresser might be a good place to store gardening tools under the deck. The possibilities are endless.

Got furniture you don’t want, and don’t feel like even thinking about any more? Call us for speedy service and fair prices with old furniture pickup in southern Ontario.

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